How to Get Your Home Ready for Professional Photographers

Leslie-Ann Yokouchi


Modern home listings can be truly stunning, thanks to a combination of gorgeous architecture, current technology, and time-tested strategies for enhancing the aesthetics of a home. Before you can create a home listing that features premium, high-resolution photographs, you will need to create a home environment that is ready for professional photographers.

So, if you’re striving to list your home for sale in Wailuku, Maui, here are a few tips to get you thinking about how to successfully prepare your home before the photographers arrive.

Stage it!

Investing in your home’s staging is the single most crucial step that you can take to get your home ready for professional photographers — and buyers! A report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) demonstrates why this is — according to the NAR, a majority of seller’s agents agree that staged homes sell faster and for more money.

There are essentially two approaches to staging. First, there is the all-out high-end version, in which you completely vacate the property and hire a professional to stage it for you. You can rent or purchase furnishings for this purpose, as the staging industry is finely tuned to cater to your staging needs. Getting professional help and new furniture can be considered the premium version of staging.

The second approach to staging is the more practical option that is favored by a majority of home sellers. As the seller, you give your home a thorough cleaning, a little rearranging, and try to create the nicest aesthetic that you can. Of course, you can still get professional help with staging even if you use your own furnishings, and likewise, you can get new furnishings for staging even if you do it by yourself. Either way, be sure to work on your curb appeal as well.

Your approach to staging is up to you, but generally speaking, it is wise to make an investment in a staging technique that is proportional to the home that you’re selling. For instance, if you’re selling a fixer-upper that you just renovated, a modest investment in staging should suffice. If you’re selling a luxury property on the Wailuku real estate market, however, don’t hesitate to go all-out on staging with a professional, as your investment is likely to yield a sizeable return in terms of the speed of the sale and the final sale price.

Clean, declutter, and depersonalize: a recipe for success

Prior to staging, cleaning is an absolute must. You can always hire a professional cleaning company if you don’t want to handle this task yourself, but your home must be thoroughly cleaned before staging and — if necessary — touched up afterward.

If you’re staging with your own furnishings, it is essential to follow your initial deep cleaning with a thorough decluttering of your home. Too much clutter is visually distracting for your buyers. Even beautiful decorations can sometimes be too busy and distract a buyer’s attention from the features of your home. However, don’t go overboard and leave your home looking bare and bland. Fill in empty spaces where needed, and eliminate clutter where required as well.

The final step in staging your home is depersonalizing. The longer that you’ve lived in a home, the more that it looks and feels like yours. You may have family photos, beloved art pieces, memorabilia, trophies, diplomas, or other items of a personal and sentimental nature. While they are meaningful items to you, keep in mind that these personal items can prevent prospective buyers from visualizing their own lives within the space. The power of staging, in contrast, is that it instills in prospective buyers a sense of being in their own (future) home.

Ensure adequate lighting

When setting up your home for listing images, lighting is key. You want your photos to be light, airy, warm, and inviting rather than drab and dark in the corners. Natural lighting is the best option, but be sure to supplement with plenty of ambient indoor lighting. Look for any awkward areas that may appear too shadowy or unappealing in photographs. Setting up mirrors to reflect light into these rooms may provide a solution.

Touch up before photographers arrive

Especially if you’re living in your home during the selling process, touch up your home right before the photographers arrive to ensure it’s in top condition. Perform a brief walkthrough of the house as you look for any settled dust, debris, or items left out. A magazine on the bathroom counter or a soda can on the coffee table could be eyesores in your listing photographs, and you don’t want to be scrambling to catch these details while photographers are already walking through your home. As such, you should prepare ahead of time.

Touch base with the professionals

For expert advice on how to take professional home photos, look to your real estate agent for guidance. They are in tune with what buyers are hoping to see, and they can provide pointers on setting up your home to stand out on the Wailuku real estate scene. While professional photographers have technical expertise and tools on their end, agents have the experience to know what gets homes seen and sold, so it’s a great idea to reach out to your agent to prepare your home for compelling listing images.

Getting started

For top advice on getting your home ready for professional photographers and more, your agent is a vital resource for marketing your property, negotiating with buyers, and guiding you every step of the way.

If you are selling your home on the Wailuku real estate market and hoping for high offers and exceptional results, look no further than trusted Realtor Leslie-Ann Yokouchi of The Yokouchi Team for expert guidance. With Compass Concierge, Leslie and her colleagues can assist you in planning, preparing, and executing all of the steps you need for a successful home sale. When you’re ready to get results, work with winning agent Leslie-Ann Yokouchi and The Yokouchi Team today.

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock


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